Last week I went to the Melbourne Museum and did some work sheets.
I just loved it.
Mum, Pa, and I loved it so much that we didn't get to look at everything, coz there's so much to see and do.
So we're going to go back this week and look at everything else.
Last night I got a Irish newspaper and a English newspaper and, wait for it, a NZ newspaper.
In the NZ newspaper there was an article about some rat bones from the 1200's!!!
And do you know what that means?
It means there were European settlers in NZ before Capitan Cook but after people thought Europeans had arrived in NZ.
In the English newspaper there was a story about an artist that found a Yeti skull with hair and fur still attached to it in a monastery in Tibet.
The artist wasn't allowed to take photos in the monastery so she sketched a picture of it and the local people told her stories about the Yeti taking them away and described it for her.
That's about it, really, I mean it, so I'll be seeing later.
"...an artist that found a Yeti skull with hair and fur still attached to it in a monastery in Tibet."
I'm surprised the monks hadn't found it already.
So, the rat bones pointed to Europeans being in NZ before Captain Cook? I wonder if they were Portuguese... because some historians think that Portuguese landed in Australia long before anyone else. But it was a part of the world they weren't really supposed to be in, so they didn't colonise.
Oh, I forgot to say that the monks already knew about it, they had it as a religious symbol.
Yeah, I think that the Portuguese had been in NZ.
A Yeti skull.It's a shame they couldn''t take a photo. Can anyone visit and take a look?
There aint no thing like yeti, There are fair, white bearded people in caves, who come out, when its sunny. They need a bit of fresh air and food supplies. These tall people are mistaken for yetis.
You do all these tests ad other things like that on the different exhibits, hilary.
I think so, LID.
ROFL, San.
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