The Scottish play  

Posted by Feral Beast in , ,

Hello, today I'm going to talk about the little known facts about*ahem* Macbeth!!!

The reason why I'm going to talk about Macbeth (yes I said it again so sue me) is because Mum has been getting me to read the book about it (and I might add that I like it).
She also wants me to write up about the history of Mac- "The Scottish Play" for my blog.
Before I begin, I might add that I am going to be talking about the real Macbeth, who was a real Scottish King.

Macbeth was the last Celtic king of Scotland and his reign lasted from 1040 to 1057.
It turns out that "Duncan" was also a real person and was the cousin of Macbeth (I'm mostly doing this to stir up any Thespians who might be reading this blog post) and reigned from 1034 to 1040.
Macbeth (every time I say that a Thespian screams) was apparently descended from royalty, and the same for his wife.
Macbeth (hark, music to my ears, I think I hear another Thespian is screaming) made claims that Duncan was not the rightful king of Scotland because he was the grandson of Malcolm II, because "the usual principle of succession required that the crown pass to a collateral of the king, not to heirs of the direct line"(with thanks to and so Macbeth won the crown after he slayed Duncan Bothgowanan in 1040.
During Macbeths reign, Duncans father, Abbot Crinan, led the one native uprising.
After this, the Scottish kingdom was so peaceful, Macbeth decided to take a pilgrimage to Rome.
An invasion from Northumberland in the name of Duncans son Malcolm (later known as Malcolm the III) was repulsed in 1050.
A second invasion in 1057 was successful; Macbeth fell in battle and Malcolm was able to inaugurate the Canmore dynasty.

Click here if you want to watch Macbeth in 96 seconds.

See ya later!!!

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 10:29 AM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Screaming Thespians, hehe.

May 6, 2010 at 1:02 PM

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